Change toward a more just society cannot be achieved in isolation.

Yet large-scale transformation on justice issues is often hindered by a lack of shared vision and coordination. Lasting change requires a careful blend of vision, strategy, and collaboration among diverse and impacted parties, including those usually marginalized in these conversations. This chemistry is something rare in society, but when the right ingredients are unlocked, powerful and transformative results are possible.

Relationships are at the heart of complex systems.

Just Outcomes was built on an appreciation for the complexity of change. With experience working on a municipal, regional, state, provincial, national, and international scale, we take a principled approach to change on justice-related issues. We support diverse groups to create a strong container where the dynamics for effective change can be cultivated. We provide guidance, knowledge, and technical assistance while building individual and group capacity to access the wisdom, lived experience, and skills of all involved parties. Amid all of this, we’ve learned the vital importance of establishing authentic and respectful relationships with and among all involved.

Contact us to explore what is possible.

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Some of our Multi-Sector projects

Finding ways to bring together different types of organizations to create cohesive goals that still respect the varying ways that we practice RJ is not an easy task, but Just Outcomes facilitated this process in a restorative manner. All ideas were respected, consensus was gathered thoughtfully, and the priorities of the participants were the focus of the project.
Taryn Burgar (She/her) Program and Volunteer Manager Restorative Justice Victoria

Whether your initiative is large or small, urgent or strategic – we are ready support you.

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