Obscured Sunset by Clouds

Interrogating Optimism

Optimism (n): hopefulness and confidence about the future or the successful outcome of something. – Oxford English At some point I realized I’m a professional optimist. As with all of us working in the transformation field (let’s go with that broad title), a major part of my job is to see – and invite others […]

Mummy is Mad: A Mother’s Reflections on Restorative Parenting

It’s 5:30 AM and I’m on day three of parenting solo while my partner is travelling. I wake up to the sound of my two boys arguing in their room. I look back at the clock, hoping I read it wrong. No such luck. Disoriented and exasperated, I pull myself from bed, walk into their […]

How the Aviation Industry Inspires Meaningful Accountability

Recently, an article entitled “Why You’ve Never Been in a Plane Crash” (by Kyra Dempsey) grabbed my attention in my daily inbox scan. While I was first drawn in by my own personal curiosity (“and I never will be in a plane crash, right???”), I devoured the entire article because of how the article connected […]

Working Toward Reconciliation with a Spiritual Community in Crisis

Every restorative justice project is more than a project: it’s a new conversation, a new puzzle to piece together, a new invitation for reflection and growth, together with those we walk alongside. We are always impacted by the work we do and those we engage with, but sometimes the work stretches us in unexpected ways. […]

Rituals for Letting Go in Consulting Work

In RJ we do relational work – how do we as consultants honour “moving on” from our clients?  I am contending lately with an obvious but sometimes unacknowledged fact: my work is more than just a transaction. Even though relationship is at the very heart of restorative justice work, contract work by nature has created […]

New Webinar on RJ and HR

Dignity, belonging and repair: three core principles for restorative approaches in human resource management. Find out more in this recent Zehr Institute webinar by Michelle Jacket and Matthew Hartman of Just Outcomes. And if you’re still curious about a restorative approach in organizations, come join us for our next scheduled Restorative, Equitable and Accountable Leadership […]

Lessons from a Young Leader

A good friend recently invited me to write a letter of recommendation for her teenage daughter, who is applying for entry to a Leadership education program.  As I pondered what to include in the letter, it struck me how we adults can be guided by paying attention to the things we value in young people.  […]

Building Restorative Workplaces: Lessons from Our Work

Building on Just Outcomes’ 10 years journeying with workplaces of all kinds, I’ve been engaged this year in focused research on the intersection of HR and restorative justice. I’ve been asking: What do the principles and practices of restorative justice have to offer the most pressing challenges workplaces are facing today? What makes it worth […]

How to Pick Sides in a War

“Peacemaking doesn’t mean passivity. It is the act of interrupting injustice without mirroring injustice, the act of disarming evil without destroying the evildoer, the act of finding a third way that is neither fight nor flight but the careful, arduous pursuit of reconciliation and justice. It is about a revolution of love that is big […]

Restorative Leadership for a New Paradigm: Reflections from the Field

What does it look like for leaders to embody the work of restorative justice, in an effort to affect change within systems? How do we ensure that “how” we show up to create change is aligned with ‘what’ we are trying to shift? Can we generate buy-in, inspire action, and transform organizational culture by modeling […]

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