Just Outcomes supports communities and organizations in reimagining just responses to harm and its causes.

Working globally, we offer expertise on transformative and restorative approaches to conflict and harm within criminal justice agencies, community organizations, schools and post-secondary institutions, faith communities, businesses, and philanthropic organizations. We also facilitate large-scale projects involving multiple interested and impacted parties.

Through our work, we pursue a vision of vibrant and resilient communities based on the strength of just relations.

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We are privileged to work with leaders, visionaries, and change agents from a wide array of sectors

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Obscured Sunset by Clouds

Interrogating Optimism

Optimism (n): hopefulness and confidence about the future or the successful outcome of something. – Oxford English At some point I realized I’m a professional optimist.…

Just Outcomes’ knowledge of restorative justice is comprehensive, and their attitude is one of caring deeply about the method and its delivery. Without hesitation I would work with them again and I highly recommend them for community needs assessments, education, and implementation of restorative justice processes.
Nancy Gromen Former Executive Director Eastern Oregon Mediation Center

Whether your initiative is large or small, urgent or strategic – we are ready support you.

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