Serving Crime Victims Through Restorative Justice: A Resource Guide for Leaders and Practitioners

This practical guide created for restorative justice leaders and practitioners has been one of the most wide-reaching projects Just Outcomes has had the opportunity to lead. Funded by the Government of Canada and commissioned by the Alberta Restorative Justice Association, this Guide provides research to back up the practical navigation skills for how to align program and practice with the values and principles of restorative justice through a victim/survivor-centred lens.

Travis Claybrooks, CEO of the Raphah Institute, offers that “Serving Crime Victims Through Restorative Justice has been a guiding light as we have centered our restorative justice work in the needs of people harmed by violence. The Guide offers a clear and thorough perspective on what persons harmed need and how to orient our work to best support them through restorative processes. It gave us the language we needed for to make our training framework what it needs to be.”

With the support and collaboration of the Brazilian Judiciary and the Canadian Consulate in Sao Paulo, the Guide has now (February 2022) been translated in Portuguese.

If you are interested in assuring more meaningful attention to the needs of the victims and survivors your agency or work serves, give this Guide a look.

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