Case Study
Swiss Restorative Justice Forum Victim-Offender Dialogue Facilitator Training

The Swiss Restorative Justice Forum (SRJF) is a member of the European Forum for Restorative Justice and describes itself as “an association of people passionate about promoting restorative justice in Switzerland.” The forum had experience doing advocacy work and educational events, but had not had the opportunity to receive training in restorative justice processes. Just Outcomes was contracted with the Forum to provide training aimed at furthering the development of restorative justice services in Switzerland.
Just Outcomes worked closely with SRJF leadership to design and deliver the event, which was provided in English and translated into German and French for the 24 attendees in Biel, Switzerland. Over 5 days, participants engaged in the following topics and activities:
- Defined justice outcomes for the ideal response to a criminal act.
- Considered the impacts of crime, and the resulting interests and needs, for victims, offenders, and communities.
- Understood the value of a restorative justice framework.
- Observed simulations of a Victim Offender Dialogue preparation and encounter processes.
- Identified traits of an effective facilitator.
- Practiced Victim Offender Dialogue skills and practices (such as initial meetings and agreement-writing).
- Reviewed and reflected upon their own use of skills.
The training had a big impact on all those that attended. The sense of connection between the different regions in Switzerland were strengthened, new skills and knowledge were celebrated, and many left with the strong intention to make a difference back in their own workplaces and other environments. The outstanding leadership of the SRJF continues to support their members and uphold the valuable contributions that restorative justice can make in Switzerland.